Blog Reflection

Can't believe the semester is already almost over and I am posting a reflection... CRAZY! I have really enjoyed looking at many of my classmate's blogs. I wish I had been able to spend more time adding to mine and looking at the others but I just didn't this semester. All in all I have enjoyed it! Glad I can say I have blogged!

Best Christmas Pageant Ever

Just started this book with my class! It is great! They laughed so hard just in chapter 1. They also had a blast talking about what makes a kid bad or good. The Herdmans are the perfect example of bad! Highly recommend it...

Sick Kids....

My daughter is sick... AGAIN! I am having to take another day off tomorrow to take her to the doctor. While I am frustrated with the thought of getting behind again, I can't help but be so thankful for my job that allows me the opportunity to be off to take her to the doctor when she is sick. I am really blessed to have great teachers in my grade level that generously offer to help and get work ready so I don't have to even come do that! I really love my job and my co-workers.


So, let me start this by saying that I feel like a teenager for admitting to this. I have seen all of the movies and really look forward to each one. They are so unique and just really enjoyable. Everyone kept telling me that I must read the books and I have argued that outside of school and work I DO NOT have time to read! I do way to much reading that I don't really enjoy :( Well, I finally did it... I started this book the weekend before Thanksgiving and read for a couple of hours each night. Over Thanksgiving break I finished the book and started the next one! It was great!

After seeing the movies, I already knew where the story was going but the details were so much more vivid in the book! It was really amazing. I really enjoyed the new things added in the book that I didn't get from the movie.

In this story, Bella moves in with her father and meets a boy, Edward. Edward is kind of a standoffish in school and keeps to himself, Bella is interested and wants to know more. There is another guy that is interested in Bella, Jacob. Bella sees him as nothing more than a friend as her infatuation for Edward grows. Jacob is very cautious and warns Bella that Edward and his family are not good but she is not convinced. As the story unfolds Edwards love for Bella grows and vise versa. As Bella learns the truth about who Edward is the story gets more and more intense. Can he protect her from all the evils around them? Can he protect her from himself? Read Twilight!


This is my favorite time of the year! I love the Christmas holidays! I am really excited to get to do some fun things with my kids at school this year. I am also so thankful for my job that allows me so much time off with my children during the holidays! That is a definite perk to teaching!

Stone Fox

I did my book talk on Stone Fox, by John Reynolds Gardiner. I read this book with my fourth graders and they loved it. It left them wanting to know more everyday when we stopped.
The main character in the story is Little Willy. His grandfather is takes care of him and becomes ill. Willy is forced to take on many responsibilities that are above his maturity level at only 9 years old. Willy and his dog Searchlight work hard and devise a plan to help grandfather have the will to live but and obstacle stands in their way, Stone Fox. Stone Fox is a very well know dog sled racer that will be competing against Willy in a race to win the prize that Willy is sure will save grandfather.

This story was great for my age group. The students' character was challenged by the story. Would they be able or willing to step up and take on the responsibilities that Willy did? What kind of person are you? This is the question we continually looked as we watched Willy rise to every occasion!

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